Sunday, November 30, 2014

November Pictures


I was pretty proud of my "Brown Bear" flannel board pieces I made ;) of my cuter sets!
 Got caught playing with some flannel board pieces...he didn't really want his picture taken though ;)

"5 Little Monkey's"....along came Mr. Alligator as quiet as can be...

"A is for Apple"...putting apples on our trees

"Open, Shut them" hands are high....
" hands are low!"

Superhero stuff is kinda our thing here... :)

"Do your ears hang low?"

"Turkey Feathers" flannel board song about colors

"Little fish, Little fish"

"Open, shut them" song again....We sing this song at the beginning of every storytime, probably why I have so many pictures of it on different days ;)

Our lunch today matched talking about dinosaurs this week :)

Watching short dinosaur song/cartoon during storytime

She really liked the dinosaur song...dancing :)

Putting caterpillar #'s in order

I call out a number and they take turns finding/jumping onto the number

Cute bed head :)

Grant loves his friends so much!

Our darling turkeys from their feet/hands

Admiring herself in the TV....

....and blowing kisses!

 "5 Little Snow Pals"

Always a good helper...


Sometimes boxes are more fun than toys!