Monday, August 31, 2015

August 2015 Pictures

I love finding the baby dolls in the high chairs and pack n' plays, we've got some awesome mini parents around here!

Fell asleep in the middle of the floor/action today :)

Some people don't appreciate my flash ;)


...If only you could have heard this duet! ;)
Storytime at the North Logan Library!

We went through a phase where they LOVED having their bodies driveway looked like a major crime scene ;)

The kids enjoyed weeding the neighbors park-strip often this month

Quiet-time, such sweet friends!

Finished her fruit and veggies FIRST today, yay!

Got some fun new crowns at the farmers market! They've played this game before, but loved the new crowns to add to it!
Fun wooden/felt dolls to dress up with clothes and accessories, the boys even enjoyed these!
Ready for Singing/Story time!

Sleeping Bunnies (one of their FAVORITE songs)

This little one is quite the hopper!

These kids are so creative when they play!

Best buds!

Sink/Float activity

Watching a really cute monster song by Eric Herman
(Eric Herman is AWESOME and has come to our library a few times!...I highly recommend his music!)

We read a lot of fun books and did a lot of fun songs about MONSTERS this week and made some popsicle stick monsters!




Ring around the Rosie....always fun!