Friday, March 24, 2017

Information about Little and Loved Daycare

We understand the challenge of leaving your little ones, but rest assured knowing that when you bring your children to Little and Loved Daycare, they will be wonderfully cared for and loved by all our staff. 

Our staff is well trained and many of our teachers are in classes at Utah State University for child development and elementary education. We believe in having regular training to ensure all our teachers are providing the best care to your children. We strive to maintain quality care and have multiple teachers on staff, so that children get the attention they need and deserve.

We provide many resources and experiences for children to improve and expand their development. The children engage in a structured daily circle time that includes learning about our weekly theme, letter and number of the week. At circle time, the children participate in singing, dancing, flannel stories, books, etc. 

We incorporate many “preschool” activities into our daily schedule and children learn letters, shapes, colors, days/months of the year, sign language, writing, fine and gross motor movement activities, etc. We believe in learning through play that includes using all their senses such as sensory bins, art, social interactions, nature, developmentally appropriate toys, and more!

Our Values:





Our Goals:

1. For children to know they are loved.

2. To have effective, harmonious, positive relationships with our teachers, parents, and children.

3. For children to learn through creative play, their learning experiences, and environment

4. Providing a consistent daily routine with an emphasis on literacy and language development to enhance children’s learning.

How will we meet our goals:

1. Consistent Communication


Always strive to listen and have empathy. We will have quick responses to any parent concerns.


Know their child best. We want to hear what you have to say, will answer any concerns or questions and collaborate with you to best support your family.


Understand rules, expectations, and schedule. They feel secure, loved, and cared for at daycare.

2. Supportive Relationships


Strive to be positive and give praise to other teachers, parents, and children. We respect, trust, and support without judgment.


Are the most influential and important person in their child’s growth and success. Parents engage in positive, supportive relationships with staff and children. They feel safe asking questions.


Gain self-esteem and autonomy, through respect, understanding, praise, and compassion from staff and peers.

3. Continuous Learning


Are passionate about early childhood education, share their knowledge, and are good examples for others. Teachers take continuing education courses on a regular basis. Teachers adapt and are flexible and understand “one size doesn’t fit all” when teaching. 


Are engaging with their children and teachers. Parents feel included with updates on the daycare curriculum, and are provided feedback so they can engage in purposeful learning at home.


Learn foundational and problem solving skills in developmentally appropriate ways. They learn to regulate their emotions through exploration and play while gaining confidence.

4. Welcoming and Safe Environment


Maintain an accepting, inclusive environment and are accepting of all religions, ethnicities, languages, cultures, and lifestyles. Teachers maintain a clean, safe, uplifting, and interactive, and fun atmosphere.


Can feel reassured knowing their child is made a priority. There is a consistent routine and safety practices in place. Parents feel comfortable leaving their children, knowing that their children are loved and cared for every day.


Have structure and routine, discover through new experiences, and enjoy the comforts of a second home. Children are unconditionally loved and accepted.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

How to Get Enrolled

To learn more about Little and Loved Daycare and if this daycare will work well for your family:

1. Email, Call, or text Lisa with your email and/or phone number.
              801-814-0672 (cell) 

2. Make an appointment to meet with Lisa at her home
3. Fill out a registration packet, which includes:
-Parent/Provider Contract
-Policies and Procedures
-Transportation Permission
-Water Release
-Emergency Medical Consent Form
-Emergency Health Information
-Child Health Assessment
-All About your child
-Immunization card copy

4. Pay your, non-refundable, one-time Registration Fee: $25.00
**If openings are available, we’ll offer you enrollment at Little and Loved Daycare. We also have a waiting list for siblings and friends you may refer.