Saturday, January 31, 2015

January 2015 Pictures

First kid I've ever met that doesn't like goldfish!...Still got him to try one though! ;)

"I love you Olaf!" he says!

Kissy faces for the camera!

Kissy faces for the camera!....Apparently everyone was doing them that day!

What's more fun that play doh?!...Stacking the containers!

Crafts after storytime!

I've got the best helpers!

Making her letter "C" book

Snack time is a favorite time of day!

Circle time about penguins this week
I didn't show the kids this video, but we sang this song with my own magnetic penguins on the dry erase board.

Watching penguin video clip at the end of circle time

Educational movie clip about baby penguins

They made a zoo!

Such a sweetheart!

Jungle sensory bin

Jungle story time

5 Little Monkeys Swinging in the Tree

5 Green and speckled frongs

Dancing to jungle video/song


Yaaaaay for sharing! :)

Garbage truck, we look forward to that truck coming every Thursday! ;)

Creating their own jungle scene with crayons and stickers...

Awesome jungles!

Had enough bigger kids to help me color rice for our activities next week! Love my helpers!

And of course they had to play in it a bit too! ;)

Lego Masters!!!

Musical Chairs!

Our DJ for the game!

Jellyfish for our ocean theme!

Awesome creations! They worked SO hard on these!

I love how she started painting her nails with that huge brush! Such a girl! :)

Ocean sensory bin

She loves crossing her eyes when I try and take her picture, silly girl!

"The Pout, Pout Fish" story! One of our new FAVORITE books! Sooo good!

Fun ocean themed songs...

Ocean bin again, different day, different kids!

Moved it to the floor this time for extra craziness, but they loved it!

They came up with all sorts of ideas to do with everything....


I love sleeping pictures, they look so peaceful!

Creative Fort they made

Look, I tried to get creative with our snack, haha!...Can you guess what we talked about this week in circle time!?

Transportation story time

Transportation Story time

Free time with transportation flannel pieces

I did these one videos on different days with different daycare kids....

Transportation puzzles

Fast friends!! Usually they come on different days!

Happy Birthday to this little man!